Many companies in their activities are faced with the need to organize business events of various levels. This could be a closed round table, an industry conference, or even a major international symposium. The need is dictated by various reasons: from marketing tasks to promote goods in a highly specialized market to the desire to unite industry professionals in order to achieve common goals. According to TimePad, the market leader in online event organization and registration services, in 2016 more than 130,000 events were organized using their platform, and the number of new organizers was 31,000. make your event desirable and attended by the target audience.
Identify the audience’s need for your event
You have thoroughly analyzed your internal business tasks and came to the conclusion that the best solution is to hold an industry event. However, since any such event implies participation in it not only of you, no matter how urgent the topic may seem, you first need to make sure whether it is interesting to those you want.
see. It is necessary to understand how fresh the idea is, whether the problem that you want to discuss and disassemble “in molecules” is close to people. And most importantly, how deeply they have already considered the topic at past industry events or individual sessions, and what new things do you have to say: the latest trends, statistics,
deep analytics, case studies and much more. In other words, first make sure there is demand and relevant supply. You can start with a survey on social media or by email (using specialized services such as SurveyMonkey). Thus, you will receive information about topics of interest to your colleagues, you will be able to adjust the agenda and get feedback from colleagues even before the conference itself. The best event is the one where people want to be, and shouldn’t.

Details are everything or almost everything
Remember, no matter what event you start, a certain percentage of the audience will be people who attend industry events more often than their own place of work. Therefore, both the content itself and the organization at all its levels are important. Professionals notice absolutely everything and have the opportunity to compare events of different levels. Therefore, it is so important to take care of every detail in advance: from registration of participants with a clear brief of employees, a complete list of accreditation and high-quality printing to checking each of the involved halls for technology, following the timing, etc. Any ill-considered trifle can spoil the impression of the whole event. The following logically follows from this point.
Entrust the organization to professionals
If you do not have a marketing department with a dedicated team of event organizers with extensive experience in organizing events, then you should transfer the logistics into the hands of professionals. Working with content and speakers, drafting a program, negotiations with the venue, organizing catering, technical equipment, import and export of equipment, installation work, development and production of the necessary printing, audio and video materials, invitation and registration of participants, management of listeners flows and much more – these are all well-established processes that must be managed by professionals.
The task of the organizers is to plan and divide areas of responsibility and give a high-quality result to the customer at the exit.