Stages of organizing a conference, seminar or forum
We introduce the concept of the event. We find the foundation on which we will build the further program of the event. The concept will create the integrity of the conference.
We create a seminar plan. We draw up a plan where specific lessons within the conference will be spelled out. We prescribe the timing in order to apply the activities in practice.
We find experts. We invite speakers on selected topics to create a professional environment.
We select personnel. We find hosts and hostesses suitable for the format.
Choosing a venue for the conference. The site must accommodate all participants and experts. We hold a forum in an online format, if necessary.
We deal with invitations and souvenirs. After a great event, guests will have some nice little things that will remind them of the event.
We decorate the room. We place advertising banners and information stands.
We are holding a great conference. The event is attended by our person who coordinates the staff.